So, apparently there is some controversy with Rob Bell. Color me surprised. He is accused of loving homosexuals.
So do I.
- Does that mean I approve of all their behavior? No.
- Does it mean I think homosexuality is good? No
- Does it mean I think homosexuals sometimes love God? Yes.
I am challenged by the people I know in the church who are trumpeting the rebellious sanctioning of homosexual “marriages.” I am angry at the ones I know in the church who say there is no place for homosexuals.
I don’t know entirely where I stand.
I have homosexual friends. I want them to love Jesus.
I have heterosexual friends. I want them to love Jesus
I have homosexual friends who are in immoral relationships.
I have heterosexual friends who are in immoral relationships.
Where do I stand? What do I say? Who do I deem Christian?
I am not sure what the right answers are. I know this, however, I do have a question to answer. The question is posed to Jesus in response to a command. The answer must flow out of my soul.
Jesus’ command is simple, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The question slash answer is this, “Who is my neighbor?”
The answer is this, “These people around me.” Some of those people are homosexuals,
Do I know the answer to the question, “Where do homosexuals fit into the kingdom?” No. I don’t know how “homosexuals” end up. What I know is this, “God loves us.”
Where are homosexuals in the kingdom of God? I think right next to the thieves, liars and ungrateful people. People like me.
I don’t know how God deals with homosexuals in particular, what I do know is how God deals with people–among which are homosexuals. He loves them. That is the final word.
Whatever I think. However I believe. The final word is this, “Love.” God loves them just like He loves me.
Yes! We have one prime command as Christians, “LOVE”. The other directive, given in several places, is “RESPECT”. And the third directive, which is loud and clear is “JUDGE NOT”. Each of these directives must echo through all our interactions with others. Thanks Derrick-good stuff!
and we love you.
It seems that you were put here to stretch my thinking. Ten years ago I was a happy conservative, keeping my very simple “thus sayeth the Lord” very simple. Only black and white and no grey areas. Enter D. B. and suddenly there is more grey areas than black and white. Thanks Derrick for stretching my understanding. Likely ain’t done yet, but God is good. Thanks for the stretcher. Tom